TAIFA DT-SACCO Society Ltd started in 1974 as a banking section of the former Nyeri District Co-operatives Union to offer banking services to the farmers in the former Nyeri District who were the members of the primary Co-operative Societies in the Union. The demand for the services by the approximately 9,000 founder members grew tremendously hence necessitating creation of a Savings and Credit Co-operative Society.
In 1998, the Union Banking Section transitioned into a Savings and Credit Co-operative Society and was registered in 1998 as Nyeri Farmers’ Credit and Savings Co-operative Society Ltd (Nyeri Farmers Sacco). At that time the membership had grown ten fold to about 90,000 members.
The demand for Savings and Credit Services continued to grow even among members who were not necessarily farmers and who lived and carried out their economic activities outside the former Nyeri District. As a result, Nyeri Farmers’ SACCO re-engineered it’s products and services and also rebranded to Taifa Sacco in 2005 in order to accommodate the diverse and growing membership. Since then Taifa DT-Sacco has continued to grow in leaps and bounds to what it is today: a Sacco for all Seasons!
Taifa DT-Sacco observes the universal Co-operative principles namely;
- Voluntary and open membership
- Democratic member control
- Economic participation by members
- Autonomy and independence
- Education, training and information
- Co-operation among cooperatives, and
- Concern for the community in general.
Efficient Mobilization of Savings and Provision of Credit Services to Members
To be a Sustainable Financial Services’ Provider
Efficient Mobilization of Savings and Provision of Credit Services to Members
Taifa Sacco subscribes to PRECIOUS culture
P – Professionalism
To perform all duties to the highest standards of expertise
R – Reliability
Consistently addresses the interests and expectations of all stakeholders
E – Excellence
Commitment to the highest levels of effectiveness and efficiency
C – Customer Focus
Continuosly seeks to understand and meet the diverse and changing needs of members in the provision of services
I – Integrity
To act morally and ethically and consistently demonstrate a high degree of straight forwardness, honesty and sincerity in all dealings with stakeholders
O – Openness
Upholds transparency and encourages open communication in conduct of affairs
U – Unity
Carries out the mandate with impartialiaty at all levels
S – Social Responsibility
Caring for the community and the environment